Yes, Kids! It's time for Giveaway #3. Up for grabs is a brand new Cricut cartridge from ProvoCraft entitled "Sentimentals". I've had this cartridge for a bit now and I have to say I've grown fond of many of the images contained therein. This cartridge has the following creative features: Layer, Phrase, Tag, Card, Envelope, and Shadow.
To enter for a chance to win this cartridge, just leave a comment in this post answering the following question: "What song makes you sentimental?" You don't have to explain your answer (though you can if you'd like to share). The deadline for entering is Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. MST. The winner will be chosen via random draw and announced on the following Monday. If you haven't already become a follower of my blog, I'd love for you to consider it (but it is certainly NOT required).
{Finally, just as a point of information (and because I have had an inquiry on the subject), all prizes given away on my blog are purchased with my own funds. I do not have any corporate or vendor sponsorships. It's good to give...}
Yeah first one to comment, is that a good thing? To be honest I have tons of songs I can name but I think the one that makes me sentimental is my wedding song and oldie but a goodie "Always and Forever".
James Taylors rendition of the Christmas song "In the Bleak Midwinter" brings it home every time - such a beautiful telling of the story of Christs birth.
Well my favorite song that makes me sentimental is Smile (which Michael Jackson's brother sang at his service). I just love the words to this song. I've told my daughters that this is the song I want then to play when I pass away. I know it sounds morbid but this is what I really want.
I have two songs for you. One is "Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts. My husband and I were both on very rocky roads when we met, and everything seemed to work out wonderfully for us!!!! The second song is "We are the World." I love the newest version, but it's the music video that makes me sentimental. Long stories, but I couldn't decide. Thanks so much for a chance to win!!!
The song that always makes me sentimental is "Slipping Through My Fingers" From the Mamma Mia Soundtrack. I always cry when I here it no matter what. My little girl is growing way to fast for me. Thank you for a chance to win. So very nice of you:)
Lee Greenwood's GOD BLESS THE USA. It was playing when my Daddy came home from the Gulf War and again when I came home from Operation Iraqi Freedom. VERY Sentimental to us! Still makes me cry, so I have to turn it if I am driving!
Great giveaway!
my song ''from this moment'' by Shania Twain
Thanks! lisarup1@aol.com
I just bought a cricut, so I'm happy to find your blog.
The song "American Soldier" makes me sentimental because my husband is in the Army.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamikawoole. It was played at my wedding and it gives me such a happy feeling everytime I hear it.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this cart.
I have a couple, but the one from my wedding "From This Moment" by Shania Twain is very sentimental to me. I also bawl like a baby whenever I hear "Don't Take The Girl" by Tim McGraw.
Cross my heart by George Straight. I was always fond of this song but my husband proposed to me by having a remix of this song made with information about our dating and at the end it said Will you marry me. I still tear up everytime I hear this song. Thanks for the chance to win a new cart!
I have a couple of songs that make me sentimental, Broken Road, Alyssa Lies, and American Soldier. Thanks so much for letting everyone share their sentimental songs.
OK, Well since it is almost March Madness, and I am a HUGE Kansas Jayhawk fan, this time of the year it is "One Shining Moment" by Luther Vandross. They play it after the National Championship with clips of the tournament and it is dedicated to the team that won. Kansas won in 2008 and are #1right now. It makes me cry to even think about it. I am a CRAZY fan who loves her team! I am the Mother of 3 boys one a student there right now!
Thanks for the chance to win! I do not own this cartridge
Darius Rucker's "History in the Making." It was played during our first dance at our wedding :)
Didn't have to think about this one, it is defenitely Keith Urban, Making Memories of Us, Love it!! This is very generous of you, thanks!
One that makes me very sentimental is "I Loved Her First" by Heartland. It has just always gotten to me. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Its so hard to pick a favorite sentimental song but I guess it would be Let There Be Peace. We sang it at my graduation from High School and Nursing school. Thanks for doing this giveaway,Mary
What song makes me Sentimental - Can't help falling in love with you. U2's version. :) First dance at my wedding in 1991 to my high school sweetheart. We were 18 at the time :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Nicole aaronsmom89 at hotmail . com
Luther Vandross' Dance With My Father. But for my Grandpa :(
Mine is "Brown-eyed Girl"... always makes me cry.
The song that gets me every time is God Bless The USA. With the war going on, it makes me cry!! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway, I'd love to win this cart. Shari (cricutrookie)
I'm already a follower.
Moonlit Mile by the Stones, yep showing my age.
Thanks for offering this give-a-way. You truly have a kind heart.
Well first, thank you. Second, the song would be "Let the Rest of the World Go By." My mother and I would sing it on the way home at night when I was little, and when my boys were young, I would sing it to them.
Cant remember the title of the song, but goes like this: gimme the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll, and drift away... Reminds me of an uncle that passed... THANKS FOR THE CHANCE AT THIS AWESOME CARTRIDGE!!!
"Memory" from the CATS soundtrack makes me think of my grandmother...it was her favorite song and she sang it all the time.
Thanks for the awsome giveaway. My favorite song right now is by 3 Doors Down called "It's Not My Time". I have a very good friend that is 43 and diagnosed 2 yrs ago with medullary cancer in the thyroid, he just found out recently that it has spread to his liver and spine. He is fighting and not giving up!
I always choke up when I hear "I'll be home for Christmas" especially an older version. My husband was gone during the first Gulf War over Christmas 1990 and I was home with our newborn son and the song became so powerful to me.
Sentimental song... hmmmmm I would have to say Madame Jeanette, it was my Grandmother's favorite song. She loved to hear us all sing it as we stood around the piano in her living room!
My wedding song Everything by Micheal Buble.
Oh my gosh, there are so many.. Cat's In The Cradle by Harry Chapin.
I hear it and well up EVERY TIME. It makes me wonder if I spent enough time with my parents and if I am spending enough time with my daughters. I have visions of my daughters and I scrapbooking and their children running around. Then I think I wonder if they will have time? LOL
When I was pregnant with my 2 year old I showed up at work bawling my eyes out and the girls I work with tried very hard not to laugh at me when they realized no one had died I just heard this song on the radio LOL
Thanks for the chance to win and for making me well up again! I am off to play with the baby, before I run out of time LOL
Noelle, in total agreement with Cat's in the Cradle. As my parents get on (in their 70s), I wonder what my life would be like without them in it.
But I love Unforgettable with Natalie Cole and Nat King Cole. Something about it just tugs at my heart strings.
There are a lot of song that make me sentamental! Sometimes they are ones that most people don't know or remember. One is "To Sir With Love" which is from my favorite movie of all times with the same name.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this cart! You are a peach!!!
"How Great Thou Art" reminds me of my mom. And anything Kenny G- especially "Forever in Love" and "The Wedding song.
My favorite song has to be from my wedding, it's Martina McBride's Valentine:)
The song that is most sentimental to me is 'Precious and Few". It is an oldie and I just love it. It is DH and my 'song'. It sings to my soul when I hear it. Reminds me of days gone by and most precious memories. DH and I met in high school and have been married for 36years. :)
I have been looking at this cart since it came out - at first I didn't think I needed it, but I have seen some really cute projects done with it so now it's a "Gotta Have"!! I think "I'll Be Home for Christmas" makes me very sentimental because it reminds me of the sacrifice all our military and their families!!!!
I have too many songs that mean a lot to me but if I had to pick just one it would be Whitney Houston's Count on me.
I knwo it sounds weird but "Secret Agent Man" which reminds me of my husband... we sing kind of different words though we sing alien man ;)
That song "My Wish".....I have a daughter graduating this year, makes me cry every single time. She will be heading off to college 5 hours away! What's a mom to do?
The song that instantly takes me back and evokes the strongest emotions in me is an electric violin piece by the Jean Luc Ponty called "Rennaisance". I am instantly transported to a summer in my younger days with the 1st love of my life. It is a gorgeous piece of music and I suggest everyone run to itunes and download it. :-)
Julie W.
dan fogelberg's song "longer", here's the first verse
"Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you."
my husband was working shift work, we were newly married and he called to say hello and asked that i turn the stereo on and to play song number ? on the album (yes, album!) that he had on the turntable (yes, turntable!) and it was this song! he then had me lift the lid of a wooden box that was beside the turntable and in it was a diamond eternity band!!!
To pick one song? That's tough. I say "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood.
Great giveaway!!
I just found your site and am loving every minute of exploring it. I don't get alot of time for creativity as I work 60 hrs a week and am raising 2 DGD's but have seen some great things here that I want to try. I have a lot of favorite sentimentals but I guess Wind Beneath My Wings means the most to me as it reminds me of my Brother.
Lots of songs make me "ssentimental" but the one that is first and formost would be "Time, Love and Tenderness" by Michael Bolton.
My wedding is coming up and our song is... by Metallica. It's "Nothing Else Matters" and it's actually really sweet! I would also say "Antlers" by the Microphones or anything by Elliott Smith.
Too many songs and things make me sentimental! But I'll agree with a previous poster who said "Dance With my Father" by Luther Vandross.
Thanks for the giveaway! You're very generous!
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